Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Network Marketing Knowledge Donald Trumps Philosophy On Network Marketing

Network Marketing Knowledge Donald Trumps Philosophy On Network Marketing

"donald trump philosophy on network marketing"
While most people think of "Network Marketing" as a bad word, I'm going to talk to you about "Donald Trumps philosophy on Network Marketing"....

If one of the world’s richest most respected business people believes in network marketing, isn't it worth taking a look at?

First of all....

Who is Donald Trump?

Well...as of now Donald Trump is running for President of the USA, but of course he has his history.  Now, I know that most people know who Donald Trump is, but if you are one of those people who don't know, I am going to entertain you with some insight...

According to Wikipedia.com

Donald John Trump is an American real estate developer, television personality, politician, and author. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resort
or you can actually read more about Donald Trump in this Donald Trump Biography

You will learn that Donald Trump is a character that speaks his mind no matter how other people feel about it, but takes action when it comes to being successful and accomplishing his goals.

Donald Trump's Philosophy On Network Marketing

Back in 2009, Donald Trump made an appearance on the David :Letterman Show in which David Letterman asked him: "What would you do if you had to lost everything and had to start over from scratch? " and he simply answered: "I would find a good network marketing company and get to work".  While the audience was booing, he just answered: "That's why I'm sitting up here, and you;re sitting out there"

Although it was a cocky thing to say...it was absolutely true! 

Donald Trump represents 3% of the wealthy and successful people in the world, and although most people don't have nothing good to say about Network Marketing, their opinion is of the 97% that's poor and don't and won't have a name in history.

Trump says that there are four areas in the world of business. Employees, Small-business people, Big business owners, and Investors
y"donald trump cash flow quadrant"
The majority of people who go to school learn how to become employees or small business owners. 
Becoming a successful business person or an investor is not something that most people learn in college or are training to do.Trump believes that network marketing is a business that is in  big business area of the cash flow quadrant.
 Truth is that most people who join network marketing business won't turn it into a big-business, but all of the foundations are there for that transformation to occur. Network marketing offers an opportunity for anyone of any background to change their lifestyle by making a staggering income.  
Network marketing is also great because even though you have to work hard in the beginning, you don't have to waste 30 years of your life like you would as an employee.  You can work hard for the first five years and leverage by building a team and having people do the work for you.
Another cool thing about Network Marketing is that it offers tax breaks.   While you are growing your Network Marketing Business you can get tax deductions that are business related
Donald Trump did admit that it takes a lot of time and effort to build a successful business. Although Trump did become a successful entrepreneur, it did take him years to do it. 
There is plenty of advice out there for would-be network marketers. Take advantage of the wisdom of people who have been there before, and save yourself a lot of time on the road to success.
Next time someone close to you dismisses a network marketing opportunity out of hand, share the wisdom of Donald Trump on network marketing to change their mind. There are few better endorsements out there!

Donald Trump Secrets To Success 10 Ways To Think Big and Be Successful

Here's some advice on how to think big and become successful.

So, if you're thinking about joining a Network Marketing Company, and you are surrounded by naysayers telling you not to do it because they either think it's a "pyramid scheme", hate it or simply failed at it, just remember this: "You are not them"  Everybody's results are different depending if they take it seriously or not.

Donald Trump is one of many successful people who believe in network marketing as a way to change ones lifestyle.  So, who are you going to listen to:  your  frustrated broke neighbor, your co-worker who hates his job, your toxic relative who is always asking you for money or the guy running for president?

"As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, think big" -Donald Trump

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I appreciate you!

Melissa Diaz
"donald trump network marketing"

P.S.  Click here to learn how you can get paid Cash Everyday...INSTANTLY!

Donald Trumps Philosophy On Network Marketing

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